water based polyurethane loba loba 2k at commercial grade
water based polyurethane loba loba 2k at commercial grade

Applying Loba 2K Supra AT (Advanced Technology) Water Based Polyurethane



The Loba polyurethane requires a high end, painter’s roller with a low-nap micro-fibre. We do NOT recommend any other applicator. Professionals are welcome to contact their Forna Representative for further instructions.

Appropriate Roller: 3/8” – ½” (8mm – 12mm) Microfibre roller

Room temperature:(18 – 23 deg Celsius) and with stable humidity of 35% – 65%. All HVAC systems should be inspected and up and running before during and after installation of flooring products, as per NWFAC guidelines. Always ensure that the product you are working with has been stored at appropriate temperatures and has acclimated to the area (2-3 days) before application.

Commercial Grade 2 Component Water Based Finish loba at
Commercial Grade 2 Component Water Based Finish loba at

Protect From Freezing: Loba-Wakol products must be kept between 5-28 deg Celsius (42 – 85 F). Products must be stored indoors at appropriate temperatures.

Floor Cleaning: Using a new microfiber mop head and “House Hold Cleaning Strength” TSP (trisodium phosphate), damp clean your cork floor. A water-rinse is required should a cleaning product such as this be used. It is common to rinse/damp mop a floor several times prior to applying polyurethane
Allow the floor 1-2 hours to dry once the final damp-rinse (water only) has been achieved. Allowing the water to evaporate off of a damp floor means the finish has the greatest chance of success.

Sanding or Abrading the Factory Finish: Loba 2K Supra AT can be used over top of the Forna factory finish. To achieve the best results and to maintain warranty, Forna requires the factory finish be LIGHTLY abraded before application of the product. Wipe down the cork using a clean microfiber mop or clothe that is water-damp only. Allow the floor 1-2 hours to dry before applying the polyurethane.

Abrading the finish Manually (no machines): A “high grit” sand paper (anything over 100 grit will work) is lightly swept over the floor (like wiping a child’s face) to create micro-abrasions. This light abrasion should NOT change the appearance of the factory finish nor the pattern/stain of the cork below.

Glue down cork tiles: Must be allowed to “set” or cure x 24 hours before application of finish.

Floating floor cork floor: Can be finished once the floor is installed but should be allowed to “rest” for 1-3 days prior to application of finish. Any installation errors will likely become visible during this resting period. Correct all installation errors BEFORE applying finish.
Mixing the Product: Shake both the large container and the small container for 1 minute (60 seconds). Mixing a full gallon (600sf of product) or full 1 Litre (150sf of product) container requires the smaller “hardener” to be poured into the larger “plastic jug” of finish. Shake combined contents for 1 minute (60 seconds). The Loba 2K Supra AT is ready for use. It must be applied inside of 2 hours (120 minutes) after combining the two parts.

Mixing Small Batches: To mix “less than a gallon” of product use the “coverage” amount of 550-600sf/gallon as a guide. Once the product has been shaken (in the two separate containers) pour the “Supra”: “Hardener” to a ratio of 10:1. Shake contents of the container for 1 minute (60 seconds). Product is ready to apply.

Example of mixing small Batch: 200sf of flooring = 1/3 of 600sf. Mix 1/3 of the large container together with 1/3 of the small container into a mixing tub.

Preferred Method of Application: Direct pour the product onto the floor, saturate the roller head and then begin applying product. If you are not familiar with this technique, continue on to the “Painter’s Tray” method.

Using a Painter’s Tray: Use only new products that have been rinsed clean with water and have been allowed to dry. Pour enough polyurethane into the tray to finish the amount of flooring you have (use the “square feet per gallon” as the measure; eg 300sf of space requires ½ gallon of high-end polyurethane) into the painter’s tray.

DO NOT “Edge in” too much flooring! You will run it “lap mark” issues and will have to stop work! Saturate the entire roller with polyurethane making sure to squeeze out the “extra”. Your roller should be saturated but not dripping.
Moving quickly back to the starting point, immediately begin to roll on the next row. Continue in this way until the floor is completely covered. Resist the urge to “go back over” spots that are older than 10 minutes! If you go over a partially dried area, you will create “Lap marks” that will require sanding before the finishing coat can be applied. Allow the finish to dry before applying the next coat.

water based polyurethane loba litre
water based polyurethane loba litre

Supra AT (VOC 130g/L)

Time between coats: 5 hours – 24 hours
Pot Life: 2 hours
Wet Working Edge: 10 minutes
Clean-up: Soap and water while wet
Cure Time: 5 days (no furniture, no rugs, no animals, no children)
Maximum Coats/Day: 2
Light use: Stocking feet after 5 hours. After 24 hours – shoes are allowed at this time.
First Damp Clean: 14 Days after second coat, routine maintenance with damp cleaning can begin (water or pH neutral hardwood floor cleaner).
NO RUGS, NO FURNITURE, NO PETS are allowed onto the floor until the floor has achieved a full cure. Even if the floor looks cured, it may not be. Always err on the side of caution and allow extra time before animals are allowed on the finished floor. If you have any questions, please contact your Forna Flooring expert before continuing with your project. During the curing time, only light traffic in stocking feet can access the floor.


Water based Polyurethanes have very short “working edges” of 10 – 15 minutes! If you find you are running into “lap marks” then STOP APPLICATION. You are either working too slow OR YOU ARE WORKING THE POLYURETHANE TO THIN! Contact your Forna Flooring representative while you are waiting for the floor to dry!
If your floor looks like it is buckling, separating or “lipping”, DO NOT apply polyurethane. Contact your local Forna representative for advice.